Amplifying RECOVER’s progress and impact
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You can help ensure that more people know about RECOVER’s efforts.
Spread the word about the progress we’re making to understand, diagnose, prevent, and treat Long COVID. The social posts on this page explain what RECOVER is, the important questions RECOVER is working to answer, and how RECOVER involves patients, caregivers, and members of communities affected by COVID-19. Copy the text below and paste it into your own social media posts. Then click to download the images sized for each platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, and X/Twitter).
Sample post copy:
#NIHRECOVER is the world’s most comprehensive and diverse patient-centered initiative dedicated to researching #LongCOVID. Learn how RECOVER is understanding, diagnosing, preventing, and treating this complex condition:
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"RECOVER is the world's most comprehensive and diverse patient-centered research initiative studying Long COVID. Learn how at 30,000 new RECOVER participants; 60,000 from ongoing studies. 86 Long COVID community Representatives. 1,000+ researchers and clinicians. 1,000+ Long COVID community members involved in RECOVER study setup. RECOVER logo."
Sample post copy:
#NIHRECOVER listens to the diverse voices of people affected by #LongCOVID to inform our research and communication efforts. RECOVER Representatives help ensure that RECOVER is grounded in patient-centered and inclusive research practices. Learn more:
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""I've seen the immediate impact that my voice, opinions, and experience have had... This is probably one of the rare times I've seen regular people's thoughts, opinions, and experiences be applied and used for the good of their community and so quickly." Teresa, RECOVER Representative. Learn more: RECOVER logo."
Sample post copy:
Caregivers and other community members help shape #NIHRECOVER research. Learn how they ensure the RECOVER Initiative meets the needs of people with #LongCOVID:
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"Caregivers help us move Long COVID research forward. RECOVER logo."
Collaborating with communities
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#NIHRECOVER keeps the needs and input of communities front and center in the search to understand, diagnose, prevent, and treat #LongCOVID. Learn about RECOVER’s collaboration with communities:
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"Communities are at the heart of RECOVER. RECOVER logo."
The RECOVER Report
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Keep up to date on the latest #NIHRECOVER research and progress to understand, diagnose, prevent, and treat #LongCOVID. Subscribe to RECOVER’s monthly newsletter, The RECOVER Report, today:
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"Subscribe to The RECOVER Report, RECOVER's monthly newsletter. RECOVER logo."
Long COVID is real
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If you have #LongCOVID, you are not alone. With 200+ symptoms and counting, the condition can look different in each person. Learn how #NIHRECOVER is working to understand, diagnose, prevent, and treat Long COVID and find answers for everyone:
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"Long COVID is real. Many people are suffering, but not enough people know about it. Learn more: RECOVER logo."
Research scope
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#NIHRECOVER’s research includes 5 types of studies, from autopsy studies to electronic health records (EHRs). Learn how these different studies are answering important questions about #LongCOVID:
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"Advancing the science to find answers. RECOVER logo."
Observational studies
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#NIHRECOVER launched observational studies to learn what #LongCOVID is, why it affects certain people, and how it affects them. In these studies, researchers monitor participants over a long period of time. Learn more about how these studies work:
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"RECOVER's observational cohort studies include: babies, children, and young adults; adults, pregnant and non-pregnant; tissue samples from autopsies; electronic health records. Learn more: RECOVER logo."
Clinical trials
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#NIHRECOVER clinical trials are currently testing treatments in 5 focus areas that #LongCOVID patients said were the most important to address. Learn about RECOVER’s 8 clinical trials, testing 13 potential treatments:
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"RECOVER clinical trials explore 5 focus areas across 13 trials. VITAL, NEURO, AUTONOMIC, ENERGIZE, SLEEP. Learn more: RECOVER logo."
Autopsy & tissue pathology studies
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#NIHRECOVER autopsy and tissue pathology studies provide unique insights into how #LongCOVID affects the body. Learn more about these studies and how they can improve treatment and diagnosis:
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"Research in focus: Unique Long COVID insights from autopsy studies. Learn more: RECOVER logo."
EHR studies
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#NIHRECOVER researchers use insights from more than 60 million electronic health records (EHRs) to learn what puts people at greater risk for #LongCOVID and how COVID vaccines may help prevent it. Read the studies:
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"Big data, big insights: RECOVER has published 29 studies based on data from more than 60 million EHRs. Read the studies: RECOVER logo."
Pathobiology studies
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Did you know? #NIHRECOVER includes more than 40 pathobiology studies. Learn how these studies look for markers in the body to help us understand how COVID-19 affects people with #LongCOVID:
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"RECOVER pathobiology studies: How does COVID affect different body tissues and organs? Learn more: RECOVER logo."
Ancillary studies
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RECOVER has collected more than 850,000 biosamples and more than 35 million data points. Researchers can now apply to access this unmatched collection for ancillary studies. Learn more and apply:
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"RECOVER study data and biosamples are now available for ancillary studies. Apply now: RECOVER logo."