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Seeking diverse experiences of Long COVID

Researchers are partnering with patients and communities across the United States to learn more about the long-term effects of COVID-19.

Community Voices

Patients, caregivers, and community members are involved across all levels of the RECOVER Initiative, including serving on Steering Committees, Task Forces and Oversight Committees, and on Community Advisory Boards at RECOVER study sites.

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Guiding Principles for Patient and Community Engagement

Patients, caregivers, community members, RECOVER Representatives, and study participants come together to share ideas, concerns, hopes, and needs with RECOVER. These valuable insights inform major decisions about the RECOVER initiative. RECOVER uses the following principles to guide our continued community engagement:

Inclusivity and diversity
RECOVER study staff and participants include people of many races and ethnicities, ages, sexes, jobs, education levels, incomes, U.S. locations, and health conditions. We think carefully and often about who may not already be involved in RECOVER and how we can respectfully engage and involve them.

We promote a culture of safety to ensure that patients, caregivers, community members, RECOVER Representatives, and study participants feel safe, welcomed, and engaged.

We openly share information about the RECOVER study and its findings with participants and the public with the aim of fostering and maintaining trust.

We share information about the RECOVER study in a way that people can easily find and understand it. We work to limit barriers to increase enrollment to studies.

Two-way communication
Communication between RECOVER staff and the public, including participants, is two-way so that both groups can send, receive, and share information. We ask participants and the public for their input and questions about the RECOVER study and use their feedback to improve the study. Participants and the public are able to send us their questions, and we listen carefully and answer them. These collaborative communications inform and contribute to the decision-making processes of the initiative.

We hold RECOVER staff and leaders responsible for making sure RECOVER follows research standards and ethics, including to do no harm and to avoid re-traumatizing individuals and communities.

We work and search for opportunities for collaboration to get input and feedback through forums and discussions.

RECOVER’s Patient and Community Engagement Strategy

RECOVER’s Patient and Community Engagement Strategy (PDF, 327 KB) expands upon the guiding principles to describe how RECOVER engages with people affected by Long COVID. RECOVER seeks to include people from all communities and backgrounds.

Community Impact

Patients, caregivers, and community members continue to shape RECOVER research and communications.

Examples of community impact include:

  • Patients connected in online forums and on social media to share their concerns about and experiences with Long COVID. This helped lead to the creation of RECOVER.
  • Over 100 patients gave their input at RECOVER listening sessions and through research. This input showed us the need to publicly recognize and share the message that “Long COVID is real.” We continue to listen first and test often as we develop communication materials.
  • In response to community needs and to support communities hardest hit by COVID, the NIH funded the Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL). CEAL uses active, community-engaged research and outreach to find effective ways to share information with communities. CEAL continues to work alongside RECOVER to raise awareness of Long COVID.
  • A diverse workgroup of 26 RECOVER Representatives, now called the National Community Engagement Group (NCEG), helped give even more people the opportunity to volunteer for RECOVER studies. This group’s input led to RECOVER no longer requiring a PCR-confirmed COVID test for participation in a RECOVER study, and expanding the enrollment criteria for individuals with suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID infection from 24 months to 36 months.
  • Based on community input, RECOVER created a standing task force to focus on the similarities between Long COVID and other conditions, like myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), that can affect people who get a viral infection.
  • Since RECOVER began, we’ve received thousands of direct inquiries, and more than 900 people have attended RECOVER patient experience discussions. We use your questions to inform our activities and communications, including on the FAQ page.

Your Voice

Long COVID is real. Many people are suffering, but not enough people know about Long COVID. There are multiple ways patients, caregivers, and community members can get involved.

Ways to Get Involved

  • RECOVER Leadership
  • Patient Portal
  • Digital Health Program for Patient-Reported Outcomes
  • Social Media Outreach
  • RECOVER Research Review (R3) Seminar Series
  • RECOVER Newsletters
  • Listening Sessions
  • Partner Promotion

We want to reach and hear from more people impacted by Long COVID, including people who are not taking part in RECOVER studies. If you have any input you’d like to share, please use the form on our Contact Us page. If you have family, friends, or neighbors who want to know more about RECOVER, please share this website with them.

Share to Social Media

Help spread the word about the progress that RECOVER is making toward understanding, diagnosing, preventing, and treating Long COVID. Post these RECOVER updates and images on your organization’s Facebook, LinkedIn, or X (Twitter) accounts.

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Working Together. 30,000 new RECOVER participants; 60,000 from ongoing studies. 86 Long COVID community Representatives. 1,000+ researchers and clinicians. 1,000+ Long COVID community members involved in RECOVER study setup. Learn more:

#NIHRECOVER is the world’s most comprehensive and diverse patient-centered research initiative studying Long COVID.

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Sharing Findings. 10+ Million rows of data publicly available to researchers. 40+ public research webinars. 44 peer-reviewed research publications. 14,000+ newsletter subscribers. Learn more:

#NIHRECOVER generates and shares findings and data to foster new research opportunities and disseminate information to the broader community.

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Understanding. 60+ Million electronic health records (EHRs) analyzed. 200 observational study sites across 41 states. 40+ pathobiology studies. 13 potential treatments being tested across 8 clinical trials. Learn more:

#NIHRECOVER makes study data work together across research areas to amplify impact and findings. For example, findings from EHRs and observational studies equipped RECOVER to design and launch evidence-based clinical trials.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Discover what RECOVER researchers have learned about the incredibly broad range of clinical symptoms associated with Long COVID.

Since #NIHRECOVER’s launch, RECOVER researchers have made significant progress on understanding the incredibly broad range of Long COVID symptoms in adults, pregnant people, and children.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Learn what RECOVER researchers have discovered about the risk factors for developing Long COVID.

Did you know? #NIHRECOVER research has shown that people’s environmental factors, demographics, and existing health conditions are risk factors that affect how likely they are to develop Long COVID.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Explore what RECOVER has learned about the effects of viral variants on the risk for and severity of Long COVID.

Did you know? #NIHRECOVER researchers found that Long COVID was more common and severe in adults who had COVID before the Omicron variant emerged.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Discover what RECOVER researchers have learned about the impact of vaccination on Long COVID.

The impact of COVID-19 vaccination on Long COVID has been a #NIHRECOVER guiding research question from the start. RECOVER research has shown that vaccination was consistently associated with lower rates of Long COVID.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Read RECOVER research publications about the risk of developing new-onset conditions and/or worsening of pre-existing conditions due to Long COVID.

Does having Long COVID affect the risk of developing new-onset conditions and/or worsen pre-existing conditions? Multiple #NIHRECOVER studies have explored how Long COVID impacts health conditions in adults and children.

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RECOVER Findings on Long COVID. Learn how RECOVER research is identifying and addressing health disparities in Long COVID.

Health disparities in Long COVID are real, and #NIHRECOVER researchers continue to work towards understanding and addressing these disparities.

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