Sharing insights from Long COVID experts
Videos and Presentations
RECOVER Research Review (R3) Seminar Series

RECOVER Research Review (R3) Seminar Series
The goal of the R3 Seminar Series is to share the RECOVER Initiative’s research findings with researchers and the public. Researchers work and learn together, keeping each other up to date on the latest research insights. Some R3 seminars also inform the public about other research on Long COVID. We record all R3 sessions and post the recordings and seminar Q&As to the R3 Seminar page.
View Upcoming and Past R3 SeminarsDiscover RECOVER Series Presents: Does sex assigned at birth impact risk of developing Long COVID?
In this video, Dr. Nora Singer, Dr. Dimpy Shah, and Patient Representative Christine Maughan discuss a recent RECOVER observational study that found some women may experience a higher risk of developing Long COVID. Watch to learn what the researchers working on this study did, what they learned, and how patients, healthcare teams, and other researchers can make use of this new knowledge.
Explore the study and its findings
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Discover RECOVER Series Presents: Can Common Lab Tests Help Detect Long COVID?
Can common blood test help doctors diagnose people with Long COVID? In this video, Dr. Kristine Erlandson and Patient Representative Rebecca Letts share findings from a recent RECOVER study to answer this question. Watch to learn more about these blood tests, how effective they are, and why what researchers learned about them matters to patients and doctors.
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RECOVER-TLC Webinar (January, 2025)
This Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery - Treating Long COVID (RECOVER-TLC) program webinar provided an update of progress made in the RECOVER-TLC initiatives since the last webinar in November 2024.
Joe Breen, PhD, chief of NIAID’s Immunoregulation Section in the Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation, briefly reviewed the complicated nature of Long COVID and what current data suggests about pathogenesis. Dr. Breen outlined recent RECOVER-TLC progress, including establishing the antiviral, immunomodulatory, and neurological agent prioritization groups. Dr. Breen also highlighted the first wave of antiviral prioritization, the work of the new scientific oversight committee, and the additional resources that have been added online to keep the RECOVER-TLC community up to date on current happenings. Dr. Breen reminded viewers that the RFI is open for public comment until Feb. 1, 2025, but that people are welcome to continue reach out to RECOVER-TLC via email after this date. He ended by explaining what RECOVER-TLC plans to accomplish over the next few months, like wave 2 of antiviral agent prioritization and wave 1 of immunomodulatory, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurological agent prioritization.
Lizzie Geerling, PhD, FNIH Associate Project Manager, Translational Science, provided an overview of RECOVER-TLC therapeutic submissions to date. This online portal has received more than 400 therapeutic submissions over 99 days, with 68% of submissions being drugs. Webinar participants were reminded that the portal remains open, and additional ideas can be submitted. Dr. Geerling also reviewed a summary of the scoring criteria for agent prioritization and timelines for agent prioritization in the coming months. Remaining time was allotted for a question-and-answer session, which concluded the webinar.
RECOVER-TLC Webinar (November, 2024)
NIAID and the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) have announced they will be holding a series of online webinars to highlight recent progress in the new Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery - Treating Long COVID (RECOVER-TLC) program. The first webinar in the series was held Thursday, November 21, with more than 800 patients, advocates, care providers, and scientists from academia and life sciences companies in attendance. NIAID expects to hold the next webinar in January 2025.
Discover RECOVER Series Presents: Pregnancy and Long COVID
The Discover RECOVER video series spotlights RECOVER scientists and how they’re answering important questions about Long COVID. In this video, Dr. Torri Metz and RECOVER Representative Leyna Aragon discuss recent findings from the pregnancy observational study. Watch the video to learn how often pregnant women get Long COVID, which symptoms they experience, and why these insights are important for patients, doctors, and other researchers.
Explore the study and its findings
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Discover RECOVER Series Presents: What are Long COVID symptoms in school-age children and teens?
Discover RECOVER is a new video series spotlighting RECOVER scientists and how they're answering important questions about Long COVID. In this video, Dr. Rachel Gross, Dr. Melissa Stockwell, and Dr. Tanayott Thaweethai discuss groundbreaking findings from their research on the unique Long COVID symptoms experienced by children between the ages of 6 and 17. Watch the video to learn what RECOVER researchers found, why these findings are important, and how these findings could inform future Long COVID studies.
NIH VideoCast Recording: NIH RECOVER Initiative: Early Findings and Other Emerging Long COVID Science
As part of the NIH-FDA COVID-19 Scientific Interest Group (SIG) Seminar Series, Clinton Wright M.D., M.S., Senior Oversight Committee Co-Chair for the RECOVER Initiative, presented the webinar NIH RECOVER: Early Findings and Other Emerging Long COVID Science on September 14, 2023.
Dr. Wright summarized early Long COVID research, which has shown that people with Long COVID experience symptoms that affect many different organ systems in the body. He stressed the importance of collaboration between researchers with different scientific backgrounds sharing their research findings to better predict, prevent, and treat Long COVID. Dr. Wright provided an overview of the RECOVER initiative, discussed the patient-centered focus of RECOVER, and reviewed the RECOVER scientific aims and research components. He presented early findings from the RECOVER Initiative and other Long COVID research that is informing clinical trials.
NIH VideoCast Recording: Highlights of Pandemic Related Successes in Tribal Communities Webinar
NIH RECOVER, the Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL), and the Tribal Health Research Office (THRO) co-sponsored the Highlights of Pandemic Related Successes in Tribal Communities Webinar, held on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. This event was tailored specifically for research team members across RECOVER, CEAL, and NIH to spotlight successful approaches used during the COVID-19 pandemic to engage members of Tribal Communities. Experts from the Center for Indigenous Health and the Indian Health Service shared how they met the needs and priorities of these communities, overcame barriers to vaccination, and developed best practices for engagement around COVID-19 related research that might be applicable to other research efforts and public health matters of importance. The webinar also featured a panel discussion and a live Q&A session, which were moderated by Mose A Herne, MPH, MS, THRO Senior Advisor.
RECOVER Electronic Health Records (EHR) Study Compares Risks of Heart Problems after COVID Infection and mRNA COVID Vaccination
Researchers from RECOVER and the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet) compared the risk of heart problems after COVID infection and after mRNA COVID vaccination. They used EHR data from 40 health care systems representing more than 15 million people, aged 5 years or older. The study compared people of similar age, sex, and number of vaccine doses to see what increased the risk of heart problems.
The study found that the risk of heart problems after getting an mRNA COVID vaccine was very low for people of all ages and genders. Also, the risk of having heart problems after having COVID was significantly higher than after getting an mRNA COVID vaccine.
These findings support the continued use of the recommended mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for all eligible people aged 5 or older. See this recent study in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) .
RECOVER January Listening Session Recording Available: Understanding Long COVID Across Communities of Color (January 21, 2022)
This event facilitated discussion between RECOVER researchers and members of organizations that represent and support communities of color to better understand levels of awareness of Long COVID in these communities. It also informed opportunities to promote diverse and inclusive participation in the RECOVER Initiative studies. Dr. Andrea Lerner from the NIH and Dr. Natasha Williams from NYU Langone Health cohosted the event alongside the moderator, Dr. James E.K. Hildreth of Meharry Medical College.
A transcript of the event is available here (PDF, 136 KB).
PASC Seminar Series Sponsored by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health sponsors the ACTIV seminar series, which is organized in partnership with Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. ACTIV brings together leading experts on PASC to share their published or ongoing research on different aspects of the disease. The sessions are recorded and published, and you can watch past sessions at the ACTIV link above. Some past ACTIV presentations include:
- Barriers to Improving PASC Outcomes – Dr. Michelle Gong, MD, MS, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, October 4, 2021
- Probing Disease Mechanisms of Long COVID – Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine, October 28, 2021
- Neurological Symptoms During and After COVID-19 – Dr. Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine, November 4, 2021
- Observations on Long COVID through an ME/CFS Lens – Peter Rowe, MD, Johns Hopkins Medicine, January 14, 2022
RECOVER Launches the Live Series: First Session Recording
The first RECOVER Live Series event, Inside the RECOVER Initiative, a Conversation with Dr. Stuart Katz of NYU Langone Health, was held on November 30, 2021. Dr. Katz shared information from experts working on the RECOVER Initiative about what is being done to understand, prevent, and treat PASC, including Long COVID. This event also included a live Q&A session, where people viewing online posted questions for Dr. Katz. View the recording.
A transcript of the event is available here (PDF, 106 KB).
Understanding Long COVID: The Unseen Public Health Crisis
Understanding Long COVID: The Unseen Public Health Crisis
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health hosted a free, online discussion on November 19, 2021 that brought together clinicians, researchers, policy experts, and Long COVID patients.
RECOVER Initiative Stakeholder Briefing

RECOVER Initiative Stakeholder Briefing
In coordination with the RECOVER Initiative announcement on September 15, 2021, the NIH invited RECOVER Initiative stakeholders to join NIH leadership in a public briefing to discuss the announcement and address questions from the community. The briefing was led by Dr. Amy Patterson (NIH – NHLBI), with Dr. Stuart Katz (NYU, Principal Investigator of the RECOVER Clinical Science Core), Emily Taylor (Solve M.E.), and Dr. Lenora Johnson (NIH – NHLBI), who addressed more than 550 virtual attendees and answered questions about the RECOVER Initiative.
The video is no longer available, but a transcript of the event is available here (PDF, 137 KB).
Long-term COVID Patient Engagement: Best Practices Informed By Patients' Experiences Seeking Medical Care
Long-term COVID Patient Engagement: Best Practices Informed By Patients' Experiences Seeking Medical Care
During COVID-19 Grand Rounds hosted by the NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory on July 23, 2021, representatives of Survivor Corps presented their efforts to conduct research with their online community of 170,000 individuals affected by COVID-19. Survivor Corps is a grassroots movement using its members' collective experience to build a repository of data sets and research tools to support COVID-19 research, including studies on PASC and Long COVID.
Treating Long COVID: Clinician Experience with Post-Acute COVID-19 Care
Treating Long COVID: Clinician Experience with Post-Acute COVID-19 Care
In this webinar, clinicians share their experiences with treating Long COVID and establishing clinics that provide care for patients with the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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