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RECOVER makes study data and biosamples available for ancillary studies

  • Announcement
  • September 5, 2024

Ancillary studies aim to expand the impact of RECOVER studies and extend our knowledge to understand, diagnose, and treat Long COVID.

Researchers within and beyond the RECOVER Initiative can now apply to use RECOVER study data and biosamples for ancillary studies. RECOVER ancillary studies will allow researchers to conduct independent research projects to find answers to important questions about Long COVID.

Approved ancillary studies will use RECOVER data and/or biosamples to answer research questions that are not included in the main RECOVER study designs (or protocols). Ancillary study researchers may apply to use: 

  • Data from the three RECOVER cohort studies (adult including pregnant women, pediatric, and autopsy)
  • Biospecimens (e.g., blood, saliva, and urine) collected from RECOVER cohort study participants 

Interested researchers may submit an ancillary study proposal to the RECOVER Ancillary Studies Oversight Committee (ASOC) through an online portal. Once a proposal is approved by the ASOC, researchers must obtain independent funding support to conduct the proposed ancillary study. The ASOC will review ancillary study proposals monthly.

RECOVER continues to make study data from the initiative’s observational cohort study and information about RECOVER biosamples available to the scientific community and public at large through BioData Catalyst® (BDC) and a query tool called Open PIC-SURE. BDC is the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI’s) cloud-based research ecosystem. 

Researchers can request access to available RECOVER study data through BDC and watch a training video describing how to use Open PIC-SURE. Additional RECOVER study data from the pediatric observational cohort study will be released in September, as well as a more detailed lesson describing a step-by-step process for building cohorts with specific characteristics. 

Visit the Ancillary Studies webpage on to read about the proposal submission process and access ancillary study resources. 

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