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RECOVER researchers publish pediatric study design

  • Announcement
  • May 24, 2024
The journal PLOS ONE has published the full RECOVER study design for babies, children, adolescents, and young adults taking part in RECOVER studies.

With this publication, the study designs for the four RECOVER observational studies are now available to all members of the research community.

These study design publications describe how RECOVER researchers are studying large groups of different people (cohorts) to answer important questions about how prevalent (common) Long COVID is, what causes Long COVID, and which symptoms define Long COVID. The different cohorts are:

  • Adults, defined as people aged 18 years and older
  • Pediatric study participants, defined as children and young adults aged 25 and younger
  • Pregnancy study participants, defined as people who were pregnant after January 2020
  • Autopsy study participants, defined as people died after having COVID

Observational studies do not give treatments or medicines to participants or change their regular healthcare. RECOVER researchers collect health information—and, in some cases, small amounts of blood and tissue called biospecimens—from people who take part in observational studies.

Read the observational cohort study design papers:

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